lady with 7 kids is not a member. That's great young men's went so good! Have
fun with both trips!
not sure why she's in a wheelchair.. It's to do with her feet, she may have got
polio.. That's great Hayden is seeking the spirit, there's a good list in PMG
ch 4
cake shop sounds like fun, good thing you didn't burn it down. ;) have
family, this week went pretty good, here it is
had a la lesson, went pretty good and met a pm family who was nice to us!
had a lesson with John, kept it simple read the book. we taught Michelle the
word of wisdom. She accepted it real well. Saw a couple little miracles, saw a
la and her 10 year old is la, she wants to get back into the church and he
could get baptized! Some members fed us on the spot, our house was like 40 min
away and we didn't have a dinner planned so that was nice. We had a lesson with
Tom, taught him the plan of salvation. He accepted it good.
we had ZTM, had to go to the valley for it so it took a lot of the day. In the
evening we saw a couple la families.
we did a ton of service for a widow, it was fun cleaning up her yard and
everything. Had a la lesson with the Redd's, then a few other good
had another lesson with John on prophets, he didn't accept it that good but the
truth is sinking into him, just got to purge all the false teachings of men
he's heard for 60 years.. Had a lesson with Michelle, it went good, reset her date
for August 15th, hope she makes it. Drove to young.
something called pleasant valley days, a huge annual roping event with a parade
and craft show and vendors and things, so we had a table and manned that most
of the day, it went pretty great, sadly most of the people I either already
knew or they were from out of town but still good.
no investigators. Ugg. Church was good though and we had pat and another lady
we are helping prepare for temple. Not sure if there has been lots of talk
about the general conference training up in Idaho but the teachings and about
the sacrament and sabbath observance has been enlightening to me, I've been
over it 4 times now.. We had a lesson after church with carol (the one prepping
for temple) met a crazy catholic guy and some other stuff.
morning I caught a fish!
a great week and a fun Canada trip!
2 Timothy 3:
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men
shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection,
trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are
good, 4 Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of
God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such
turn away.
are in the last days, prophesy is being fulfilled!
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